A New Way Of Life.... The New Generation Buying Pot Stocks

I never thought in a million years, or at least in my lifetime, there would be a chance for a Gen-Xer, such as myself, to be able to buy Pot Stocks in the stock market. Who knew? But is all the hype true?Mainstream companies are buying up Cannabis stocks left and right. If you’re holding the right ones, you could make a fortune! The minute Canada was on the map and legalized the adult use of mari...

Why won't CBD get me high?

Before I get all evangelical about the benefits and wonders of CBD, THC’s less buzzed up side of the plant, let me offer a few clear caveats. Opinions on drugs, just like opinions on good bands, must-see TV or best street tacos, are about as useful as a beeper to today’s drug dealer. One man’s high is another man’s horror. The last thing anyone contemplating ingesting a substance should do is lis...